Master Works helps businesses implement data lake house architectures that combine the best of data lakes and data warehouses, enabling them to store and manage large volumes of data from different sources and make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information .

Migration and data reliability: Master works focuses on data reliability challenges so that you have minimum to no data reprocessing, and have optimized data validation and quality enforcement within the data life cycle. Master works helps you migrate your data warehouses to the lake house, expediting your time to value in adopting data lake house.
High Performance: Data lakes can hold millions of files and tables, so it is important that the data lake query engine is optimized for performance at scale. Small files, metadata management, and query optimization are some of the major performance bottlenecks that can occur with data lakes that Master works can help you to pass.
Experts and professionals: Master works has the resources, expertise and skillsets to compliment your workforce needs for successful implementation of data lake/lake house.

Meta Data Management
Masterworks enhances your data awareness through organizing and managing metadata(data…